Monday, September 21, 2009

My personal "Train the Trainer."

So, now that that is out of my system .. and I am going to try not to rant about it, I will let all of you try to figure out why it is terrible all by yourselves. (If you don't know what I am talking about, check my last blog post)

But on to my personal challenge. I have been seeing clients reach their goals and completely change their lives for the better in the last year that I have been with the Studio. It absolutely blows my mind what these people have done with their bodies and their metabolisms. So, now, I think it is my turn. I am going to pick up my training volume and intensity DRAMATICALLY in the next 6 months and really put my knowledge to good use. Ok, I know what you are asking yourselves, "But Bryan, why are you telling us? We really don't care that much..." I understand this, but you have to understand that this now holds me accountable for what happens to my body in the next 6 months. I am going to transform myself completely. And as much as I don't want to, I am going to post my starting numbers up here for everyone to see. I am going to periodically update here on my blog and at the end, I will have some before and after pictures.

So, here's to 6 months, let's see what happens until May 1st, 2010.

Starting weight - 172
Starting Body fat percentage - 13.2 - Hey, it's been a lazy summer.
Startng 1RM Squat - 220
Starting 1RM Deadlift - 265
Starting 1RM Bench Press - 205
Starting 1RM Bent over Row - 170
Starting # of consecutive Pull ups - 6 (my worst category by far)
Starting 1RM Military Press - 120

Tme to get down to business.

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