Friday, July 3, 2009


So I was in Montreal this past weekend for a wedding and I forgot how nice that city is. I went with a couple of friends and we decided to take the train. It only takes 5 hours on a train... that is awesome. What's not so awesome is that you don't get to pick who sits around you. One guy loved Bon Jovi. I mean he LOVED him. He had his ipod turned up so loud that I could make out every word. But the worst part was that he decided that maybe Jon needed a backup singer, so he piped in.. Wow. I would have to compare that sound to someone who has been trapped under building rubble for at least 13 hours, has his legs crushed and is loudly whimpering for help.. . while being lit on fire.
Other than that, the trip was awesome, I can't say I ate very supportively, but it was a vacation and how can you turn down bacon wrapped shrimp kabobs.. seriously. I saw some really good friends that I hadn't seen in a while, and made quite a few new ones. (I also passed out a few business cards. .who knows?)

But now I am back on track, fully recovered and ready to get some clients their BEACH BODIES! I wish someone would help me find mine, I think I lost it..

P.S - My daughter is walking now, and constantly screeching as lous as she can, for absolutely no reason. Being a dad is fun, I wish I could be in my daughter's head, just for a minute, so I could know why she decides that screaming at a box of wipes is the right thing to do.

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