Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Am I too OLD?

So, I've been thinking that I want to learn how to do some sort of front/back/side flipping before I pass away, so I've been looking into BG's in Burlington to see what they have to offer. Fortunately for me, they have such a program. The small town I came from had one sort of "gymnastics" gym, but it was about 20km outside of the city, and as an 8 year old, that seemed like a far trek after school, but it was always something I knew I would do when I got older. But then I got a bit older. And I started playing more sports, dating and overall being a young guy who thought that guys doing back hand springs was kind of "fancy." Now that I am even older, and would like to say "more mature", I would love to be able to knock out a backflip at a party, or if need be, running away from the CIA, or whoever was chasing me. My training as of late has been focusing on becoming ridiculously strong, but I think I am going to throw in some exercises that make people go, ". . . cooooool.. "
So, keep reading, and hopefully in a few months, I'll be doing some new exercises that I can be excited about.
On another note, I went to boot camp again, but this time it was "Bring a Friend Day" for the campers. So a few women brought their husbands, even a few brought their children. My faith in mankind has been raised as of this morning, because I saw people that barely had their eyes open running relay races at 5:40 am... neat. Not that they weren't mumbling their share of pretty hateful words, mostly towards their spouses for making them get up that early, but it was all in all pretty fun.

And at the end they all got an apple. You can't start off your day any better.

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