Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Carrying the Torch

I have come to the conclusion that I want to carry the torch for the 2010 Winter Olympics. I saw an ad today on t.v that said for an average joe like me, that dream might not be that far away. Hmmm..

Anyway.. Everything else is good, training is going well, I'm getting back into things slowly, I've been a very busy guy for the last few weeks, so training has been twice a week at best. I decided last week that I should try to run a mile, and see what my time was. I was guessing about 7 minutes, but after a good warm up I hit 6:35. I think I will try again next week now that I know my limits.

My cat and I are doing a lot of bonding. She sleeps on me every night, even when I turn on my side, she will find a way to snuggle in there. Cats are relaxing...

Well, I should do something productive now. 3 random thoughts are good enough at the moment.

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