But now I AM one of them. I got up at 6:30 today, on a SUNDAY, and decided to test my shoes, or lack there of, down at the waterfront. What an incredible run. I hate to sound cliche, but it was exactly how other barefoot runners explain it. You can feel EVERYTHING under your feet, you run on the sand, you can feel it, same with the grass and pavement. I like that. I haven't run 5 km in a long time, mostly because I find running that far incredibly boring, but today I had to stop myself from running farther. I feel completely energized, and my feet feel amazing. It only took a week, but now my feet are calloused enough that it actually feels better to run on the pavement than to run on the grass.
I see much more barefoot running in my future, and in 6 months or so, I may even teach a class on it. I am in love with it. If any of the 5 people who read my blog have any ideas on running locations around the city, be sure to let me know. The waterfront was awesome, I actually made friendly with a couple of white swans who were eying my shoes. Not that kind of friendly..
I am going to try to get up early and run every morning, but a few things threw me off today.
It was mostly the other runners. No friendly faces, no acknowledging nods from runner to runner, they just seemed very cold. Maybe it's just that I am from a small town, and whenever you see ANYBODY walking back home down the street, you always say hello, no exceptions. I tried that when I moved out here.. . no dice. People looked like they wanted to hurt me, or looked terrified as if I was going to hurt them.
Maybe it's just me, but I seem to remember something of a runner's code among the early morning joggers, kind of like people riding motorcycles. Maybe that's just in my little fantasy world.. who knows.
Another thing this morning that was a bit off-putting was kind of what running has become. It is less about the activity, and more and more about personal style and type of clothing worn. Don't get me wrong, I own a lot of expensive running clothing as well, but it just looks as though most of the people this morning put more effort into their wardrobe and hair that into the actual sport. I was in a toque and an old college sweater this morning, and no one would give me the time of day. I guess it would have helped if I had worn shorts too.. .Oh well, live and learn.
So, as I sit here and drink my protein shake with 2 eggs in it (it was my first time trying it this morning, YAY salmonella!) I wonder if I am starting to become a runner again. . . This could very well be.. as I have had absolutely no knee pain of ankle pain since I have started

- I am starting to become one with nature, watch out for me in the summer time, I will be the one with a full neck beard, hyper color t-shirt and hemp cargo shorts. .. playing guitar outside of Jackson Square, going on about the "man bringing me down."
You're inspiring me to test out a pair of the vibrams myself now. I'm not sure about running just yet, but will work up to it :)
DO IT! It will change your life!
So of course they're near impossible to obtain! Went to MEC and they didn't carry them in stock and you can order them, but only in two colours. Newworld Runners in Burlington only has the one kind and only two sizes for girls. So... going to have to order them in a slightly undesirable colour me thinks!
Yeah, mine aren't pretty, and I had to get 1 size too big, but it was either that, or wait for the next shipment which might be sold out as soon as they got in the door.
Another 5k this morning, and no pain at all. Whoop whoop!
Ordered a pair at MEC, they come in this week. THEN today as I'm driving around NY after leaving the underarmour outlet, there was a Crocs/Vibrams outlet! So I bought a pair there and am returning the MEC pair. I just have to get my big toe used to them, otherwise, comfy as all get out! :)
Be Careful! I over-did it... My feet are all messed up because I didn't really ease into them.
I'm stuck wearing the old runners until the inflammation goes down.
Good purchase though, you wont regret it!
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