I am no longer going to be a fatty. I started my endurance phase last week, and so far, so good. I LOVE doing explosive lifts, so it's a nice change from the slow eccentrics that I have been doing for the last 2 months. This is the workout I have been doing for the last 2 weeks, and I am down 3 lbs already. If you are looking for an amazing anaerobic workout, look no further. But have a few mats ready, because you will want to lay down in between sets.
You are going to do 3 sets of an olympic/explosive lift and superset it with inclined treadmill sprints for 40 seconds. Doesn't sound too bad.. But you have to do all three sets with no break, and as fast as humanly possible.
So this is how it went for me yesterday.
Barbell Cleans - 115lbs for 12 reps.
Treadmill Sprints - 8.5 incline at 9mph for 40 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.
-Rest 3 minutes-
Barbell Jerks - 115lbs for 12 reps.
Treadmill Sprints - same.
Repeat 3 times.
Jump Chins with slow negatives - 15 reps.
Treadmill Sprints - up the incline to 9, same speed.
Repeat 3 times.
Full Body Explosive Push Ups - 15 reps.
Sprints - same.
Repeat 3 times.
High Box Step Ups - 10 reps on each side.
Sprints - bring speed up to 9.5mph.
Repeat 3 times.
And for the final set, I did 2 reps of each exercise then did a 30 second sprint at 10mph at 9 incline, for 3 sets.
It took roughly 55 minutes, and made me feel amazing. (after the white spots went away)
Which brings me to the new pains.. None of them joint related, which is amazing. But I am back to having everything hurt. I love that feeling. . . and I think there is something wrong with me because of it.
Lastly, one of my clients was away tonight, so Ernie asked me if I wanted to do IMPACT. I needed to get a workout in, so I thought it would be a good idea.. What a joke that was.. EASIEST thing I have ever done.

There, now that all the ladies think I am tough, it was a REALLY good workout. There were a few points after my sweat dripped into the astro-turf that I looked into the mirror and saw how red my face was. IT was good. I was really impressed how in shape everyone there was. Those ladies are very tough. And so was the one fella that kept me company. It was a really good workout, and even though it was a "core" day, I can feel it in my quads already.. What? There was a lot of jumping..
And Happy Birthday to my girlfriend Kristin! She will be 26, so I will officially be dating an older woman.
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