Friday, November 6, 2009

Short post today.

Just wanted to let everyone (ok, the 3 people that read this thing) know about m new goals. My girlfriend and I have decided we are headed to the east coast for Christmas and I have a lot of family and friends there who I haven't seen for a long time. so, instead of being one of those out of shape looking guys who is constantly in a "bulking" phase as they call it just so hey can eat whatever they want, I am going to lean out. So, watch out, after 6 weeks, nobody will recognize me.

Maybe pictures to come. I don't really want to post half naked pictures of myself on my blog, but we will see. You should just be able to tell by looking at my anyway.

Also, HUUUGE congrats to a client of mine, we will call her . . Tina. . .Tina Pinterle...

3 measurements

Hips, chest and waist and a total of 6 inches lost in all!

Now, Tina has been on the scale recently at home, checking to make sure this whole "gym" thing is working, with little to no results. She had only lost 2.3 pounds in 12 weeks. Terrible Tina, terrible...

But when she tried on clothes in her closet, they fit much better than they did 12 weeks ago.

But when we took her on the body fat tester, it turns out she lost 5% of her original body fat!!


Good job Tina, good job.

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