Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1 and fat kids

I don't even know where to start with this. Everyone has their own opinion on this very touchy subject and I am the same way. I have read studies (I would say 'extensive' studies, but I couldn't find any) about the H1N1 vaccine and I have come to a conclusion.

My daughter will get vaccinated, and that's about it. And not against the seasonal flu, just H1N1.

I have talked to quite a few of my clients that are doctors and I have to say their feelings are mixed. I train 2 pathologists who aren't getting the shot and don't recommend it. A few of the family doctors I train believe the opposite. They are already vaccinated, and are hoping that I will get it too. But they all agree on one thing. EVERYONE is overreacting. Clinics are overcrowded and hospital waiting rooms are filled with people with mild chest congestion and a small cough who think that it's the end for them. I also don't agree with the way the government is portraying this influenza. They are scaring everyone, either into thinking that this is the next Spanish flu, or the people thinking this entire vaccine idea is a huge conspiracy theory, created by the "man" to inject humans with more "mind controlling substances" - these are usually the same people who think that the early childhood vaccines cause autism.

In my personal opinion, I think we are creating a generation of overweight, weak children, with no immune systems. Computers and video games are running our childrens lives, and we are sheltering our children from everything in the outside world. For example, I watched Pinocchio today and I can't count the number of times they talked about "killing" or the infinite number of scenes with children smoking cigars and drinking... not that these things are good, but I watched them all, and I turned out fine. Now, in children's cartoons, the bad guy's plans get foiled, and he is ready for the sequel. When I was younger I remember watching, "The Last Unicorn" and I am almost positive there is a vulture with three breats. And he DIES. . . Or she..

My point is that our playgrounds were amazing when I was younger, made of wood and 16 feet tall. There were no railings, and exercise was fun and not a chore. Ernie was telling me a few days ago that there is a computer game out for children now, that after a certain amount of play, FORCES you to go outside and preform some sort of activity, and you cannot log onto the game unless you tell the game what you did and for how long. Did the creators of this game think this was a good idea? To make children feel like they have to exersice in order to have more time on this game?

There are too many perscriptions for too many things. We are going to over medicate our children to the point where something as simple as the common cold is what is going to take them out. Their immune systems are going to just stop working for them, why bother? Everything that enters their bodies is going to be taken out by some sort of shot or nasal spray anyway.. .what's the point of having a natural defense system. Chicken noodle soup and some sleep was our choice of drug even just 20 years ago when I was young.

Generation Z, good luck to you.


13lotusflowers said...

Your blog is a bit confusing. You're giving your daughter the vaccine and yet you continue on to discuss how our children are over protected and medicated and need to go outside and get dirty. What has inspired you to get your daughter the H1N1 despite coming to the conclusion that it's been blown out of proportion?

I fully agree with you that people are too protected from everything... I'm sure I ate dirt, worked on a farms (being exposed to who knows what), work with the public daily at the bank (money, eww!), yet have not been vaccinated against anything since who knows when and have not ever been ill with more than a cold. And this is coming from someone born with many health problems and have since gotten over most. I attribute it to NOT medicating or vaccinating. Sure can't attribute it to my athleticism... :)

Ernie Schramayr said...

Hey Bryan, I am 20 years older than you. I can relate to your blog. I can't remember EVER hearing about a PEANUT allergy 30 years ago. Where the heck did that come from?

Bryan Smith said...

What the hell? People read the garbage I post here?

Well, even though it has been blown WAAAY out of proportion, and I will argue just about anything (ask my girlfriend) I am still worried about the virus. Even though 2/3 of the children who have been affected already had a pre-disposing issue (AIDS, cancer, asthma) the other 1/3 were healthy. And I like my daughter too much to see anything happen to her. But, don't you worry, she will be the most active, risk-taking child you will ever see... As soon as this pig flu disappears.

And Ernie, I had no idea that you aren't supposed to give kids peanuts that are under the age of 2.. It doesn't make sense. . . Everyone is allergic to everything now.