I have been spending roughly 1 - 1.5 hours a night reading fitness related articles, e-books and anything related to moving our bodies. I absolutely love spending my free time reading about my profession, but I have realized in the last 2 years that I have kind of strayed away from a few of the things that I loved doing before my obsession with fitness. Now, I know a couple of trainers that spend ALL of their time reading, blogging and just literally spending their lives behind a computer. So I have vowed to get back to doing a few of the things that I have put on the back burner for way too long. (while still reading when I can)
1. Guitar - I sold all of my guitars when I moved to Hamilton 4 years ago, and since haven't bought another. I was thinking about picking one up a few years ago, but then I had my accident which left my fret hand pretty useless. It has been a couple of years now and I actually have most of the feeling back in that hand.. I just picked up a used Ovation guitar yesterday and was surprised how much knowledge I retained. It IS just like riding a bike.. . I even remembered a few solos I hadn't played in at least 4 years.
2. Volunteer work - The feeling I got from helping with the climb this year was amazing. It was an incredible event with an incredible turn-out, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I am going to spend some more time this year at various charitable events, giving my time out to whoever needs it.
3. More family time - My daughter just turned 2 last week, and it feels like just yesterday I was feeding her with a tube attached to my pinky finger. She is at the age now where we can pretty much do anything. I recently bought her a basketball net and she loves it, so we are going to be getting her into a few sports very shortly, to find out which ones she likes.
4. Basketball - I NEVER would have thought I would have stopped playing basketball.. From the time I was a little country boy I remember loving this sport. Now that I work nights, it is a bit harder to find some pick up ball to play. I saw a couple of guys playing last week when I was out for a morning run so I stopped by to see if they were out periodically and if they needed an extra man. Turns out they are out there every morning, so I am going to blow the dust off of my high tops and see if I've still got anything left. It's been about 2 years since I picked up a ball, but I am pretty damn excited to see if I can pick up where I left off.
I suggest that everyone does the same. Find some things you LOVE, that you have given up for whatever reason... and get back to them. It brings back a joy that not much else can match. I feel like a kid again. .. Mind you, a hairier, bitchier kid, but a kid nonetheless.