Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where to Start..

First and Foremost - Happy New Year!

2010 is going to be amazing, I can't begin to tell everyone how excited I am about this year. So many of my dreams are coming true, both professionally and outside of work, and I am only 25!! It's crazy. What a whirlwind 2009 was. I can't wait to see what happens in the next 12 months.

Second - My plan.. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. My initial plan was to gain as much as possible until next summer and make some considerable muscle gains by the beginning of May.
Then, I postponed that goal to get lean by my trip home, which I think I did pretty good for.

I spent 7 weeks doing at least 1 workout a day, sometimes 2, and increasing my eating frequency while decreasing portion sizes, which brought me from a "healthy" (haha) 13% body fat at 172 lbs, to a little under 7% at 164lbs in 7 weeks. It can be done, I had a couple of mishaps, and I'm pretty sure I could have gotten to 6%, but I am happy with what I accomplished. I did this mostly to show myself that I could do it, but also to show all of you that with a little hard work and dedication, you can completely change your body.

Needless to say, since I was on vacation in N.B, and since my return to Hamilton, I have put that back on and then some, and I believe I am now at 174lbs. I don't think I am going to test by body fat percentage until the end of this bulking phase, mostly because I know how much I CAN eat.. . and I am kind of scared to see that number. Unfortunately, my face always gets ridiculously fat when I bulk, much like a chipmunk, so you will all be able to make fun of me, don't worry.

So now, back to bulking. . which means for the next 2 months, I am going to be working out with one of my clients who also has some pretty intense goals over the next 4 months. We are taking on some intense volume training which has us doing 10 sets of 10 on opposing muscle groups for our sessions. It is going to be some of the hardest training I have ever done, but again, I love figuring out just how far the human body can be pushed, it is a LOT farther than we think.. .

I will keep you all updated, and I hope you have not gained as much as me this holiday season, although most of it was planned, the pounds and pounds of lobster and mussels (all dipped in healthy butter) couldn't have helped.

You can accomplish any of your goals if you figure out which kind of person you are and build your goals around that. If you told me that I could get big in 1 year, (which anybody definitely could) I would tell you that that would be a waste of my time. I love setting small goals, as I have incredibly severe ADHD (self diagnosed of course. . haha . . ha. . SHINY!) which makes me not be able to take more than about 2 months of training without dropping everything and switching up every aspect of my program.

If you don't already come to the Studio, get your asses down there, we can do things for you that you never thought possible.

I look forward to seeing the sweat in 2010!

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