Monday, June 22, 2009

New workouts are fun.

It is going to take me a long time to write this blog entry.. mostly because I have to correct almost every word, due to my hands shaking. That's when I know it's been a good workout, my hands are shaky and my legs don't walk in the direction I want them to.

Contrasts. Try them. has an amazing article on what they are and how to destroy your body doing them. It's basically based on the idea that your muscles can be confused. Same idea as if you were to pick up a glass of water that you though was full, but had no water in it. Your mind would tell your muscles to exert more force to pick up the glass, so it would come up fast.

So start with a heavy exercise with a weight you can do roughly 6 times, followed by the same exercise, but unloaded and explosive. This is how my sets with Jeff went. (Ernie's brother-in-law that I work out with at the studio. . he is the one that makes sure I do these workouts and not go half-assed.)

Squats - Heavy 3 sets - 6 reps
After your first set is over, jump to
Explosive jump squats 3 sets - 15 reps

Deadlifts - Heavy 3 sets - 6 reps
Kettlebell Swings 3 sets - 15 reps

Bench Press - Heavy 3 sets - 6 reps
Explosive push ups 3 sets - 15 reps

Bent over row - Heavy 3 sets - 6 reps
Explosive pull ups 3 sets - 15 reps

By then, it's time for some good old fashioned hand tremors.

I love my job.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 am ain't so bad

So I did bootcamp twice this week. I'm not bragging, is was incredibly tough. Congratulations to all of these women. All full of smiles (well, most of them) and some of them even laughing this early.
Wednesday was awesome. I arrived to find Ernie standing in the middle of the parking lot with a sheet of paper and a finger on his chin. These ladies didn't know what they were in for. The entire pier had just become an obstacle course.
From 5:45 until 6:35 they had to do 6 different sections of this obstacle course, with each of them either a strength or cardio station. I am still amazed at what they did. I can't get over it honestly. The ladies show up, no make up on, sweatpants and a t-shirt, ready for a workout.
If anyone is reading this that isn't in the bootcamp yet (I actually don't know if anyone reads this at all) get your butt out there. The first day is the hardest, but I found myself getting kind of excited as I ate my oatmeal at 4:45am on Wednesday morning.

Youe energy is contagious ladies! Keep it up!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Big Shiny Tunes 4

Ok, so this has nothing to do with that cd, but I am listening to it now and it is bringing me back. .Oh Serial Joe, where has the time gone..

It's Saturday morning and that means I am at the gym. I know Sheila and Ernie have already talked about it in their blogs, but man, that ti-cat training camp was fun. And the one thing Sheila forgot to mention is that when she wanted a break from all of the testosterone filled, 6'3, 230 pound men, she came over to stand by me... damn it. Do I not emit testosterone?
Bah. These guys were tough. And they were also surprisingly down to earth. Nice fellows, joking around, introducing themselves. . I liked it. It started out being pretty intimidating though, showing them how to exercise. You would assume these giant men would know exactly what they were doing in the gym, but at every station they were asking for advice, making sure form was right.. I guess it isn't really their job to know how to do these lifts, that's why we are there.

My knees are beginning to get a bit better, more tests at the end of July. I'm crossing my fingers at tendonitis. Oh, to be young and in shape again with soft, supple joints .. what I wouldn't give.

Wait, I'm only 24... damn it.